Tuesday, May 02, 2006

3rd walk and photoness.


Been for my 3rd walk today, up and down my road again with my sister being my ever faithful assistant. This one was probably actually more physically demanding as a) Abs was also acting as official photographer (looking more like creepy stalker who instead of helping poor girl with oxygen ran behind taking photos) and b) we kept laughing as every time the camera was produced I developed a kind of tin man walk. Hmm. Hopefully have managed to put up some pics of me in action.

Anyway after much hilarity and a 3rd party
taking some of the last snaps, we got back indoors. I felt good whilst walking, my lungs were doing really well today, but afterwards I did feel rather dizzy and had a bit of chest pain. Hey ho, I put that down to the laughter rather than anything else!

The team is now up to over 40 members which is FANTASTIC. We are looking at purchasing pink and sparkly wings for all members to link us together - I have a feeling I have already posted about this but as you can see its one of the elements at the forefront of my mind!

photo1: Not posed at all then...

photo2: Laughing and walking, what a multitasker!


Simba said...

Where have the lovely photos gone? x

Simba said...
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Simba said...

Hurrah the photos are back. :) Sorry to confuse you, it was probably my stupid computer.

I love your walking pose pic, it makes me grin lots everytime I see it. Yay for Angel therapy (it's really working y'know!!) Yay, yay, yay.

It's sunny and I'm happy. I hope you are too. Lots of love Simba xxx

P.S. Sorry I had to delete my other version because I put a start bracket but not an end one. (Do you think I'm a bit pedantic?)